, who has devoted himself to the spread of the game of Go.
The following games will not be counted:
- A game which was not started or finished within the designated period
- A game which was interrupted due to disconnection by both players
- A game played on other than 19×19 board
- A game played against Robot (Robot’s user ID is Robot??)
- A game which does not meet the following time requirement:
- Pandanet style: at least 5 minutes for 25 moves
- Byoyomi style: at least 20 seconds per move
- No Byoyomi: at least 30 minutes for one game
- A game with less than 40 moves
- A game which Organizing Committee considered to be inappropriate
Please note that the tournament is not for competing the speed of Go.
From the view point of manner, the winning percentage must be at least
Games during the tournament period are also reflected on your rating.
The Organizer Committee reserves the right to disqualify any players
who is excessively discourteous to other players.
We call participants who earned 300 points "Finisher”. The IDs of all
finishers will be listed on Pandanet web site. We will issue a
certificate to all finishers, which you can see on the Pandanet web.
Three people selected in a drawing among finishers will receive a diploma signed by Cho Chikun.
Ten people selected in a drawing among finishers will receive an Internet Go lesson by professionals Matsumoto Takehisa, 7 dan or Tsuruyama Atsushi, 7 dan.
Материал взят c Pandanet